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French majors have access to a range of scholarships specifically designed to recognize and reward their dedication and excellence in the field. Read about some of the scholarships available:

Gilman-France Scholarship  – A partnership between the French Embassy and the Gilman Scholarship Program, is a highly selective award for those studying or interning abroad in France. This scholarship supports a wider effort between the United States and France to increase and diversify international student mobility among French and American higher education institutions. 

The Fund for Education Abroad – FEA invests in deserving U.S. undergraduates who are least likely to study abroad. Undergraduate students may apply for up to $5,000 in financial assistance to participate in a study abroad program. 

Boren Fellowships – The African Flagship Languages Initiative (AFLI) offers Boren Fellowship applicants the opportunity for language study through domestic and overseas language programs in Akan/Twi, French, Portuguese, Swahili, Wolof, or Zulu.

The American Society of the French Academic Palms (ASFAP) Study Abroad Scholarships – 3 summer scholarships of $4000 each to be used in a French-speaking country to students whose interest in the French language and Francophone cultures has been identified by their French instructors. Their primary purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to become more proficient in the language and to understand and appreciate cultures found in the French- speaking world. University and high school students are eligible.

Pi Delta Phi National French Honor Society Scholarships – Various undergraduate scholarships for study abroad in France or Francophone countries. 

Golden Key International Honor Society Joan Nelson Study Abroad Scholarship – This $5,000 scholarship to support study abroad programs for undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students who are members of the Golden Key International Honor Society. 

Fulbright France – Various scholarships for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students to pursue study in French institutions. Over 30 scholars selected every year at various levels.  

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship – If you attend a campus where a Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society has an active chapter, you’re eligible for this scholarship, even if you’re not a Phi Kappa Phi member. Every year, 75 $1,000 grants are awarded to undergraduate applicants to help them study abroad. 

Ecole Normale Supérieure International Selection Awards – The Ecole normale supérieure aims to vary its students’ profiles and incorporate students to be enrolled in the 3rd year of bachelor in Math and in Computing science (licence 3) or 1st year of master (master 1), coming from all over the world and from all disciplines. The competitive examination of the International selection is intended to young graduates in Arts & Humanities as well as Sciences, who justify at least of one year undergraduate studies in a foreign university and distinguish themselves with outstanding results. 

Robert. B Bailey Scholarship – In partnership with CIEE, provides scholarships of up to $5,000 to support study abroad for students who self-identify as belonging to an under-represented group. 

Sciences Po Bourses Emile Boutmy – Scholarships for international students entering Sciences Po from outside of the European Union (open to undergraduates and graduates) 

AATF Walter Jenson Scholarship for Future Teachers of French – For students who plan to become French teachers, this $2,000 scholarship supports students to study abroad for one semester or one year. 

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